Wednesday 10 February 2016

Detailed Textual Analysis of 3 Music Videos

Coolio ft. L.V - Gangster's Paradise

Film language: The lighting in the music video is very dark which represents death and misery with only a dim light in the middle which is on the man and lady which also indicates that he interrogating her. Also you can clearly see the two faces almost close together and their facial expression is very serious which signifies the horrible truth of young gangs. 

Genre characteristics: The genre of this music video is gangster Rap set in the year of 1995, it is based on the movie dangerous minds which was a big movie. and lot of the lyric in the music video relates to the movie which is young teens getting involved in gangs and dying young.

Medium shot: 


This medium shot is of one of the rapper in which you can see again all the background is black and if you look closely you can see him sweating which represents that he is nervous and is trying to tell the truth of what really happens, also he is facing a white smoke with light shining out of it which is signifying the "gangster paradise" and that he is heading to it. 

Close up shot: 

This close up is showing the actress in the middle and showing all the background, this close up shot has many meanings to it. For example the actress is in the middle and she is looking up, at the background is what looks like an abandoned class room with desks and chairs with a chalkboard which indicates that the school youths are taking the wrong direction and there education being ruined.

      Mise-en-scene: The colour in the whole music video is all black and has dark colours which is representing death and the end of of someones life which are the teenagers in the movie, also the actors are wearing all black on which are representing the same thing. This creates the mystery and the death theme to the music video.  

Thursday 19 November 2015

Narrative Theories

                                                  Narrative Theories

Narrative is the media term for story telling and is the way the different elements in a story are organised to make a meaningful story. Some of these elements can be facts as in a documentary, or charters and action as in drama. Narrative shows us the audience how the story or plot unfolds; an open ending means there is no final conclusion to the story.

Todorov’s Theory

Todorov’s theory has three main parts, first one is that the text begins with a sate of equilibrium which is everything appears to be normal or calm. The second part is there can be some kind of disruption this often a threat to the normal situation to it could be just a setback. Third and final main part is a new equilibrium. Which is produced to end the narrative, in the best narrative there is some kind of change for the better perhaps in the main characters behaviour or outlook on life.
In the todorov theory narrative is not seen as near but as circular. The narrative is driven by the characters attempts to restore the equilibrium, although the end result is not quite the same as the beginning.

Levi Strauss Theory
He introduced the notion of binary oppositions as a useful way to consider the production of meaning within narratives. He argued that all construction of meaning was dependent, to some degree, on these oppositions. For example light VS dark, good VS evil, noise VS silence, right VS wrong, poverty VS wealth, strength VS weakness, inside VS outside.     

Thursday 5 November 2015

Detailed Textual Analysis of 3 Music Videos

Ajda Pekkan - Yakar Geçerim

Genre: The genre of this music video is Turkish pop, electro music. 
Film language:
  This is a long shot of the singer in a coloured version of the music video,this particular long shot has many meaning for example you can clearly see through her legs which is very sexual and also to show femininity. Also the man at the background symbolises that the singer Ajda is more powerful than him and she is stronger because she is facing up while the man face is down.

Medium shot: 

This particular medium shot shows Ajda in a white elegant dress leaning on to what it looks like a burned rusty staircase and the sun shining at the background, this symbolises that Ajda is pure and that she is the sun shine that will get through her pain and over come her sorrow. 

close up shot: 

This close up shot you can clearly see Ajda in full detail and everything at the back including the man is blurred, this is towards the end of the music video.This symbolises that she is the main start of this video and everything at the back is not as important as her.

This is shot above of the main star sitting on the bonnet of the car and the camera  is a rotating shot which is symbolising that even tho she is a women she enjoys cars which is stereotypically a male interest. 
Genre characteristics: The genre of this particular music video is a Turkish pop music by Ajda Pekkan. So people will expect the singer to sing in the Turkish language because her audience is mainly Turkish, also people will expect her to wear revealing and elegant clothes and dresses because that sums her personality and her character.

Mise -en-scene: The main colours that were featured in this music video was grey and black to symbolises the burnet colour and the sadness, the music video was set in a dry rocky place to add the effect of isolation from the outside world. Costumes in this music video was a black holed cardigan with a black skimpy dress and black boots, and a white and golden dress. There was only one main prop which was a car and a burned rusty staircase.
The lyrics of course was not in English but was in Turkish so people who don't understand will be difficult to understand the music video. The song is called  "yakar geçerim" which means in english "I burned through" by knowing what the song is called you can then instantly know that the lyrics, the music and the visuals all com together and make sense. 

Representation of the artist: In the music video the artist is represented as a powerful and sexual at the begging because of her revealing cloths and how she is always at the front and the man at the back, later on in the video she then becomes elegant with her pure white gold and white dress.

references to voyeurirsm: I believe that the artist wanted to grab the attention of both male and female audiences because in the past the public said that she needs to act her age but she wants to show the people that even though she is old she still has a perfect body. 




Thursday 14 May 2015

The Conjuring Film Marketing


                           The Conjuring

the synopsis of the film is paranormal investigators Ed and Lorrain Warren work to help a family terrorised by a dark presence in their farmhouse.

The director is: James Wan.

The writers are: Chad hayes, Carey hayes.

The casts are: Patrick Wilson, Vera Farmiga, Ron Livingstone, Hayley Mcfarland, Joey king, Mackenzie foy.

the starts who were in the film attracted a lot of audiences because there were in previous movies, but the starts were only half the attraction. The real attraction was the fact the actual movie was based on a real life story that someone experienced and Ed and Lorrain warren were real people who was involved with this. also the director directed saw and insidious both blockbuster horror films.  

The picture above is the first poster they used which as you can see is very gloomy with a dead tree almost pointing at the house with a noose which connotes hanging death were the witch hanged herself. Just by looking at the poster you can almost feel the horror and loneliness. Also the title means conjure which is magic were performers will magically take stuff out the hat but in this film this is dark black magic, the house is surrounding by mist and dead leaves which shows the emptiness and mystery.


This is the second poster that they released but this time it gives the audience more of a fear of what the movie will be based on and what will they expect. the poster is very horror detailed for example you can clearly see a some sort of demon sitting on a old rocking chair which indicates this was set in the past. The demon is also holding a doll which signifies that the doll might be cause of the demon like it is cursed. This makes the audiences wonder. Also the wall of the room were the demon is sitting is very damed, dark and mouldy which signifies the olden and death in the room also brings more horror for the audience.  

The video above is the trailer of The Conjuring. this shows the detail of the movie and almost explains what happiness but still show some part which is a mystery.

The filmed is mostly targeted to audiences aged 18 and above because its horror with violence and gore, also it is targeted to people who love horror. We can tell the targeted audience are adults because the poster has gloom and death which is not for kids and people who don't like horror.

The budget of the movie was $20 million but made $318 million.

This movie was rated out of 10 and came out as 7.5, these are the following reviews.

 I got a chance to see this movie at the film festival, and boy was I Terrifically surprised! James Wan's 'The Conjuring' is one of those rare gems in the horror industry that finds a spot beside the classic titles of horror, 'The Shining', 'Poltergeist', and 'The Exorcist, 

Advance word that this would be the scariest horror since Amityville proves well wide of the mark.

The Conjuring's use of tension, atmosphere, and suggestion prove that the scariest thing to an audience has nothing to do with what you see, but what you don't.

The Conjuring simply takes a standard story comprised of the usual components, and with warmth and commitment makes them not just palatable, but successful.

The trailer for The Conjuring is scarier than most horror features of recent vintage, and the feature makes good on the promise


This is the home page of the conjuring as you can see it had a little clip of the movie on the front page which will attract people to watch more of the film and see what happens.
also the website has a gallery which shows some pictures of scenes in the film. 

The website also has a soundtrack page were all the music and sound that was in the film is in this page so you can listen or download the music, this will attract people who use soundtrack frequently. 

This page of the website is very unique compared to other movie websites because this allows fans of the movie to summit there paranormal experience and submit there story which is great for people who relate to this movie or anything paranormal. At the bottom you can see three stories that fans have already submitted. 

This is the official Facebook page of the conjuring movie, its official because its verified by Facebook with a blue tick. this page has full information of the movie and even dates when the dvd will come out. Also the page is posting other horror movies which is made by the same company for example you cans see a up coming horror movie Gallows. 

This is the official twitter page of the conjuring because its verified the the blue tick, again its promoting the film and even promoting there second film related to the conjuring called Annabelle.